Neither interesting, nor working
Okay, when people come to, why do they come? A: To socialize with their friends and such, or B: To play some kick-ass games or watch some kick-ass movies!
Really, though. When you have a game that doesn't even work, what does that set the standards for? Basically, you're game is bad. And here's why:
Music: Irritating. Seriously, it's a never-ending loop of the same bull. Thank God you included a mute button, or I might've had to blow my brains out.
No idea what to do. Okay, so I was aware that there was an instructions button. But whenever I press it, the game goes blank. There are no instructions, and there is no back button. This creates two problems: Having to reload the game, and NOT KNOWING HOW TO PLAY THE DAMN THING!
And that's it. The game looked good, I'll give it that. I actually figured out there is a way to score points, by drawing a circle around 2 of the same colored circles, if I'm not mistaken. Even then, though, the game is still bad.